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CG images and movies for the theory of relativity
[1/1] Introduction
[1/1/1] Motivation for constructing the homepage
[1/2] update information
[1/2/1] 2010/Sep/22
[1/2/2] 2009/Apr/21
[1/2/3] 2009/Apr/18
[1/2/4] 2009/Mar/30
[1/2/5] 2009/Mar/16
[1/2/6] 2009/Feb/11
[1/2/7] 2009/Feb/11
[1/2/8] 2009/Feb/11
[1/2/9] 2009/Feb/06
[1/2/10] 2009/Feb/06
[1/2/11] 2009/Jan/14
[1/2/12] 2009/Jan/14
[1/2/13] 2009/Jan/08
[1/2/14] 2009/Jan/08
[1/2/15] 2009/Jan/08
[1/2/16] 2008/Dec/27
[1/2/17] 2008/Dec/26
[1/2/18] 2008/Dec/26
[1/2/19] 2008/Dec/25
[1/3] Descriptions of assumptions and conditions when generating CG images/movies
[1/3/1] Black body spectrum
[1/3/1/1] The color band of the black body where we do not consider the brightness change.
[1/3/1/2] The color band of the black body where we do consider the brightness change according to Stefan-Boltzmann law
[1/3/1/3] The color band of the black body adopted in CG in this homepage.
[1/3/2] We do not paint a black hole black.
[1/3/3] The texture of stars on the celestial sphere
[1/3/4] The angle of view
[1/3/5] Detail parameters
[1/3/6] How to read the clock in CG movies
[1/3/7] Stereoscopic images
[1/3/7/1] Still image sample
[1/3/7/2] Movie sample
[1/3/8] About CG program
[1/4] Computer graphics on special relativity
[1/4/1] Starbow
[1/4/1/1] The forward view
[1/4/1/2] The backward view
[1/4/2] Fast movement in cubic mesh
[1/4/2/1] The forward view
[1/4/2/2] The backward view
[1/4/3] Apparent shape of fast moving object
[1/4/3/1] Case of a sphere (whose size equals to the size of the earth)
[1/4/3/1/1] The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/3/1/2] The speed of the object is 0.5 x light speed.
[1/4/3/1/3] The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/3/2] Case of a sphere (whose size equals to the size of the sun)
[1/4/3/2/1] The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/3/2/2] The speed of the object is 0.5 x light speed.
[1/4/3/2/3] The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/3/2/4] Stereoscopic : The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/3/3] Case of a cube (whose size (size of each side) equals to the diameter size of the earth)
[1/4/3/3/1] The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/3/3/2] The speed of the object is 0.5 x light speed.
[1/4/3/3/3] The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/3/4] Case of a cube (whose size (size of each side) equals to the diameter size of the sun)
[1/4/3/4/1] The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/3/4/2] The speed of the object is 0.5 x light speed.
[1/4/3/4/3] The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/3/4/4] Stereoscopic : The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5] Case of a pencil rocket (whose size in height equals to the diameter size of the earth)
[1/4/3/5/1] The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/2] Stereoscopic : The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/3] The speed of the object is 0.3 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/4] Stereoscopic : The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/5] The speed of the object is 0.5 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/6] Stereoscopic : The speed of the object is 0.5 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/7] The speed of the object is 0.7 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/8] Stereoscopic : The speed of the object is 0.7 x light speed.
[1/4/3/5/9] The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/4] Lorentz contraction
[1/4/4/1] Movie: The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed.
[1/4/4/2] The speed of the object is 0.1 x light speed (the ratio of the lengths is 99.5%).
[1/4/4/3] Movie: The speed of the object is 0.3 x light speed.
[1/4/4/4] The speed of the object is 0.3 x light speed (the ratio of the lengths is 95.4%).
[1/4/4/5] Movie: The speed of the object is 0.3 x light speed.
[1/4/4/6] The speed of the object is 0.5 x light speed (the ratio of the lengths is 86.6%).
[1/4/4/7] Movie: The speed of the object is 0.7 x light speed.
[1/4/4/8] The speed of the object is 0.7 x light speed (the ratio of the lengths is 71.4%).
[1/4/4/9] Movie: The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed.
[1/4/4/10] The speed of the object is 0.9 x light speed (the ratio of the lengths is 43.6%).
[1/4/5] Twin paradox (though the discussion is beyond the special relativity)
[1/4/5/1] Case that the view point is on A.
[1/4/5/2] Case that the view point is on B
[1/4/5/3] Stereoscopic: Case that the view point is on B
[1/4/6] The view when the view point is moving in a circular orbit
[1/4/6/1] The apparent view of the polar coordinate mesh with accelerating circular motion
[1/4/6/1/1] Relativistic movie
[1/4/6/1/2] Non-relativistic movie
[1/4/6/1/3] Stereoscopic: Relativistic movie
[1/4/6/2] The apparent view of the celestial sphere with accelerating circular motion
[1/5] Computer graphics on general relativity
[1/5/1] Single black hole
[1/5/1/1] Spherically symmetric black hole (Schwarzschild space-time)
[1/5/1/1/1] Light trajectories
[1/5/1/1/2] Gravitational lens effect
[1/5/1/1/2/1] The image distortion of a spiral galaxy
[1/5/1/1/2/2] The image distortion of the polar coordinate mesh
[1/5/1/1/2/3] Stereoscopic: the image distortion of the polar coordinate mesh
[1/5/1/1/2/4] The image distortion of a pencil rocket with circular motion
[1/5/1/1/2/4/1] Case that the speed of the rocket is 0.1 light speed.
[1/5/1/1/3] Time delation
[1/5/1/1/3/1] The time delation in Digital clocks
[1/5/1/1/3/2] Note: More realistic image using more realistic brightness
[1/5/1/1/4] Falling into a black hole
[1/5/1/1/4/1] Case that we are slowly falling into the black hole
[1/5/1/1/4/1/1] The camera direction is for the inverse direction of the black hole (1 of 2).
[1/5/1/1/4/1/2] The camera near the black hole observes the time progresses of the clocks.
[1/5/1/1/4/1/3] The camera direction is for the inverse direction of the black hole (2 of 2).
[1/5/1/1/4/2] Case that we are free falling into the black hole (1 of 2)
[1/5/1/1/4/2/1] The camera direction is for the inverse direction of the black hole
[1/5/1/1/4/2/2] The rocket in the previous movie is replaced with a clock.
[1/5/1/1/4/2/3] The camera direction is for the direction of the black hole
[1/5/1/1/4/3] Case that we are free falling into the black hole (2 of 2)
[1/5/1/1/4/3/1] The camera direction is for the inverse direction of the black hole.
[1/5/1/1/4/3/2] The camera direction is for the direction of the black hole.
[1/5/1/1/4/3/3] The camera direction is the left side view for the black hole.
[1/5/1/1/5] The view when the camera is moving in a circular orbit around the black hole
[1/5/1/1/5/1] The apparent view of the polar coordinate mesh with accelerating circular motion
[1/5/1/1/5/2] Stereoscopic: The apparent view of the polar coordinate mesh with accelerating circular motion
[1/5/1/1/5/3] The apparent view of the celestial sphere with accelerating circular motion
[1/5/1/1/6] Apparent view of swing by
[1/5/1/1/6/1] The camera freely moves around the black hole five times and turns its direction inversely.
[1/5/1/1/6/1/1] The camera looks at the black hole for the left forward direction.
[1/5/1/1/6/1/2] The camera looks at the black hole for the right backward direction. The direction in this case is exactly the inverse direction in the previous case.
[1/5/1/1/7] Perihelion shift
[1/5/1/1/7/1] View from the right above position of the circumferential motion of a white sphere
[1/5/1/1/7/2] View from the 30 degree incline position of the circumferential motion of a white sphere
[1/5/1/2] spherically symmetric, charged black hole (Reissner-Nordstrom space-time)
[1/5/1/3] spherically symmetric, rotating black hole (Kerr space-time)
[1/5/1/3/1] Light trajectories
[1/5/1/3/2] Gravitational lens effect
[1/5/1/3/2/1] The image distortion of a spiral galaxy (1 of 2)
[1/5/1/3/2/2] The image distortion of a spiral galaxy (2 of 2)
[1/5/1/3/2/3] The image distortion of the polar coordinate mesh
[1/5/2] Multi black holes
[1/5/2/1] Double black holes
[1/5/2/1/1] Case that the ration of masses of the black hole is 1:1.
[1/5/2/1/1/1] Light trajectories
[1/5/2/1/1/2] Gravitational lens effect
[1/5/2/1/2] Case that the ration of masses of the black hole is 4:1.
[1/5/2/1/2/1] Light trajectories
[1/5/2/1/2/2] Gravitational lens effect
[1/5/2/2] Collision of black holes
[1/5/2/2/1] Case that the ration of masses of the black hole is 1:1.
[1/5/2/2/1/1] Gravitational lens effect
[1/5/2/2/2] Case that the ration of masses of the black hole is 4:1.
[1/5/2/2/2/1] Gravitational lens effect
[1/5/2/3] Lined up black holes
[1/5/2/3/1] Black holes in a line
[1/5/2/3/2] Black holes in a square
[1/5/2/3/2/1] The front view of the square mesh black holes
[1/5/2/3/2/2] The slant view of the square mesh black holes (slant angle is 45 degree)
[1/5/2/3/2/3] The side view of the square mesh black holes when the camera stands between two black holes in the mesh.
[1/5/2/3/3] Black holes in a cube
[1/6] Movies for the contents published in the Japanese monthly popular science magazine ``Newton'' Nov. 2010
[1/6/1] Double black holes
[1/6/2] Fast movement in cubic mesh
[1/6/2/1] Trajectories of the light rays entering into the camera
[1/6/2/2] Same as ``Computer graphics on special relativity/Fast movement in cubic mesh/The forward view''
[1/6/3] Not only the color changes but also the length and the direction change.
[1/6/3/1] 0.1 times of the light speed
[1/6/3/2] 0.5 times of the light speed
[1/6/3/3] 0.9 times of the light speed
[1/6/3/4] 0.99 times of the light speed
[1/6/3/5] 0.99 times of the light speed (20 times slow motion version)
[1/6/4] Swing by the Earth and a black hole. Most of the swing by conditions are set up the same for the following two movies.
[1/6/4/1] Swing by the Earth
[1/6/4/2] Swing by a black hole
[1/6/5] We can see the black hole behind us.
[1/6/5/1] Free Fall: the galaxy becomes reddish and bigger.
[1/6/5/2] Retrofiring: the galaxy becomes bluish and smaller.