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[1/3/6] How to read the clock in CG movies

Time progress is one of the important issues in relativity theory. ...
Thus I made two kinds of clock textures that vary according to time progress. The following movie shows the clock textures mapped on square objects. The analog clock texture on the left hand, different from an usual analog clock, rotates its long hand once in a second and its short hand once in 12 seconds.The pair of the left two digits of the digital clock on the right hand in the movie shows time in seconds and the right small digit of the digital clock shows time in 0.1 seconds.

In some of the movies in this homepage, you can see that the hands of the analog clock bend because the size of the clock is assumed to be extraordinary big (near the size of 300,000 Km = 1 light second = the light traveling distance in one second). In order to emphasize the effect of relativity, I often use such a big object in generating CG images.