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[1/5/1/1/4/3/1] The camera direction is for the inverse direction of the black hole.

The radial position of the black hole is r = 0, that of the event horizon is r = 1 (that is, the gravitational radius is 1), that of the camera is r = 5, and that of the stars and the galaxy on the celestial sphere is r = 60, where we suppose that the size of the unit of length is 1 light second. They are almost aligned on a line. There are 19 cubes with analog clock textures and are placed on the x-y plane at (x,y) = (1.5, -0.5), (2.5, -0.5), c, (19.5, -0.5). Each size of the cubes is 0.4 light second (very big). The rocket falls into the black hole observing the clocks. In order to observe wide area, the horizontal view angle of the movie is 90 deg.