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[1/5/1/3/1] Light trajectories

A computer illustration of curved light trajectories emitted from the camera (view point)
The conditions are the same as for Schwarzschild black hole given above. The difference of Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes is that Kerr black holes are rotating. Thus the light rays near the black hole are influenced by the rotation of the space-time. One more interesting feature of a Kerr black hole is that the so-called event horizon vanishes when the rotation pitch is extraordinary fast. In the following movie, the black hole does not rotate initially. Then the rotating speed increases gradually. in the movie at about 3 seconds from the start, we can see that trajectories suddenly reach to the center of the black hole. This means that the event horizon has vanished. The black hole in the movie rotates counterclockwise so that the light rays are accelerated counterclockwise near the black hole.