
Yoshiyuki Yamashita and Masato Tsuru : Rule Pattern Parallelization of Packet Filters on Muti-Core Environments, HPCC 2011 (2011 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications), IEEE Computer Society (2011) pp. 116-125. (Correction: Muti -> Multi)
Yoshiyuki Yamashita and Masato Tsuru : Implementation and Evaluation of Fast Parallel Packet Filters on a Cell Processor, NDT2010 (The Second International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies), LNCS-CCIS 87 (2010) pp. 197-212.
山下義行、鶴正人:Cellプロセッサを用いた高速並列パケットフィルタの実装と評価、火の国情報シンポジウム2010 CD-ROM (2010).
Yoshiyuki Yamashita and Masato Tsuru : Implementing Fast Packet Filters by Software Pipelining on x86 Processors, APPT09 (the 8th international Conference on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies), LNCS 5737 (2009) pp. 420-435.
山下義行、鶴正人:パイプライン化高速パケットフィルタのx86への実装、情報処理学会ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング研究会報告、 vol.118 (2008), pp.115-120.
山下義行、鶴正人:高速パケットフィルタの実装と評価、情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム Vol. 1 No. 1 (June 2008), pp.1-11.
Yoshiyuki Yamashita and Masato Tsuru : Software Pipelining for Packet Filters, HPCC07 (High Performance Computing and Communications), LNCS 4782 (2007), pp. 446-459.
Yoshiyuki Yamashita and Masato Tsuru : Code Optimization for Packet Filters, SAINT2007 (International Symposium on Applications and the Internet), Workshop on Internet Measurement Technology and its Applications to Building Next Generation Internet CD-ROM (Jan. 2007).

山下義行(YAMASHITA Yoshiyuki、yaman アット is.saga-u.ac.jp)