#author("2022-12-02T21:33:28+09:00","default:hoge","hoge") #author("2022-12-02T21:35:41+09:00;2022-12-02T21:33:28+09:00","default:hoge","hoge") * Matsumae Lab [#xbbb5ed1] ** Members (2022) [#e8d764ee] - Students 10 -- 4th year undergraduates: 6 students -- Master's course: 4 students ** Explanatory materials (seminar content and theme) [#qc0b7147] (The following is available with @edu.saga-u.ac.jp M365 tenants) - [[Explanatory Materials:https://educcsagauniv-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/matsumae_edu_cc_saga-u_ac_jp/EdXkHAPK9S1Phmxmz2y-CKkBcYtw0MLq_XG_nMnVVjV-6Q?e=txKu0t]] ~ 2022/08/08 Handout at lab assignment briefing. ~ Includes a list of bachelor's thesis and master's thesis topics (categorized as algorithmic, machine learning, app development, etc.). ~ Includes Titles of Graduation/Master's Thesis (categorized as algorithmic, machine learning, app development, etc.). Today: &counter(today); Yesterday: &counter(yesterday); Total: &counter(total);